
I'm a lecturer in Human-Computer Interaction, working at Nantes University, in the Laboratoire des Sciences du Numérique. My current work is centered around the study of human experience (in its plurality of form), to analyze situations, design and evaluate computer-supported intervention.

I am also particularly interested in understanding humans cognition, implicit knowledge, and motor learning. During my thesis, I worked with many creative practitioners who push the limits of new technologies and our perception of the body. This led me to rethink my perception of design, but also the perception of my own body.

News :

(edited the 06 of February 2024)
  • We offer a PhD opportunity in Nantes University around the lived experience of Breaks in Presence. More detail here: PhD opportunity
  • Three articles have been published this summer. Have a look.

You can find my CV here : Link

Do not hesitate to contact me at: riviere-jp[at]univ-nantes[dot]fr